Health Nag’s Founder, Natasha Rudatsenko On Detoxing & Rejuvenating Your Health

Health Nag’s Founder, Natasha Rudatsenko On Detoxing & Rejuvenating Your Health

“In our fast-paced world, our bodies are constantly bombarded with toxins from various sources — pollution, processed foods, stress and even our daily habits,” says Natasha Rudatsenko, and she couldn’t be more correct. As TikTok continues to rise in popularity, health specialists are taking to the social media platform to raise awareness of how detrimental processed foods can be to the body, and in turn, we’re learning that even the most inconspicuous of foods can still contain harmful ingredients.

As Natasha says, “Whilst our bodies are equipped to handle a certain level of detoxification, there are times when the build-up becomes too much, signalling the need for a detox,” and who better to turn to advice than the Biochemist, Functional Medicine Practitioner, Naturopath and Longevity Advocate herself.

Known within the industry as the ‘Queen of Health Optimisation’, Natasha Rudatsenko is the Founder of Health Nag, the GCC’s premium wellness community and has been a champion of the wellness revolution in the Middle East for the last two decades. Health Nag is the region’s voice that does not sugar-coat. Unapologetically honest and straightforward, the wellness movement prides itself on being a community company first and foremost and offers products that provide customers with an unparalleled sense of wellness, energy and mental assertiveness.

With that said, here are Natasha Rudatsenko’s tips on how to tell it’s time to cleanse your system and rejuvenate your health…

Health Nag’s Founder, Natasha Rudatsenko On Detoxing & Rejuvenating Your Health

1. Persistent Fatigue

Feeling tired even after a full night’s sleep? Chronic fatigue is one of the most common signs that your body is struggling to deal with an overload of toxins. When your liver, kidneys and other organs are overworked from filtering out harmful substances, your energy levels can take a significant hit. A detox can help reset your system, allowing your body to function more efficiently and boosting your overall energy.

2. Digestive Issues

Experiencing bloating, constipation or frequent indigestion? These could be signals that your digestive system is overwhelmed by toxins. Poor dietary choices, stress and exposure to environmental pollutants can disrupt the balance of good bacteria in your gut, leading to digestive discomfort. A detox can help restore this balance, improving digestion and nutrient absorption.

3. Skin Problems

Your skin is a reflection of your internal health. Acne, rashes and dull skin are often indicators that your body is trying to expel toxins through your skin. While skincare routines can help manage these issues externally, a detox addresses the root cause from within, leading to clearer, more radiant skin.

4. Brain Fog

Struggling to focus or experiencing memory lapses? Brain fog is a common symptom of a toxic buildup in the body. Toxins can impair cognitive function and disrupt the delicate balance of neurotransmitters, leading to confusion, poor concentration and mental fatigue. A detox can help clear your mind and enhance mental clarity. 

5. Unexplained Weight Gain

If you’re gaining weight, despite maintaining your regular diet and exercise routine, toxins could be to blame. Toxins can disrupt your metabolic processes, making it harder for your body to burn fat efficiently. Additionally, some toxins are stored in fat cells, leading your body to produce more fat as a protective mechanism. A detox can help jumpstart your metabolism and support healthy weight management.

If you recognise any of these signs, it might be time to consider a detox. Here are a few tips to get you started:

1. Increase your water intake.

Aim for at least 8 glasses per day. Hydration is crucial for flushing out toxins.

2. Eat Clean

Eat clean and focus on whole, unprocessed foods including plenty of fruit, vegetables and lean proteins. 

3. Reduce Toxic Exposure

Limit toxic exposure by reducing your intake of alcohol, caffeine and processed foods. Also, avoid environmental pollutants where possible.

4. Get Active

Exercise regularly to help stimulate your lymphatic system which will promote the removal of toxins. 

5. Get Enough Sleep

This is essential for your body’s natural detoxification processes.

6. Start A Programme

Try the Health Nag 3 Day Detox Kit. It has all you need to safely detox with a highly effective and complete colon cleaning programme.

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